UIUC's Largest Computer Science Organization

For over 50 years, ACM@UIUC has been a hub for innovation and leadership for students everywhere. Our inclusivity has created a strong network of students and alumni, bringing their diverse interests to ACM.

ACM Open House

Come learn about everything you can do at ACM, including our Special Interest Groups! Afterwards, grab some free pizza and talk with SIGs and other ACM members.

Siebel Center for CS
Thursday, Sept 1, 6:30-9PM

Weekly Happy Hour

Join ACM and chat with some of your fellow members! Enjoy free food on us as you get a chance to know your peers better!

Friday, Sept 2, 5PM

Smores Roast

Come hang out with us in Illini Grove! (behind PAR) Free food, friends, and fire.

Illini Grove
Saturday, Sept 3th, 6-8PM

Special Interest Groups

SIGs, or Special Interest Groups, are student-run groups exploring different areas of computer science, from theory and algorithms to competitive programming. All our SIGs are beginner-friendly and are a great way to meet other members and explore computer science.


Learn cybersecurity from the ground up, play in competitions, and do research. Beginners welcome!


We are the premier data science organization at UIUC, inspiring students to reshape their perspective on data.


A mobile development club with Android tutorials, iOS tutorials, guest lectures, and group projects.


Anything and everything related to game development and design. All skill levels and abilities are welcome.


Learn computer graphics in guided projects on 3D renderings, animations, physics simulations, and more.


Polish coding and problem solving skills to prepare for competitions/interviews at Illinois Programming League.


Learn about human-computer interaction in research, projects, and workshops while meeting new people.


Immerse yourself in Linux-based operating systems and the wider open source world.


A project-based SIG with presentations focused on audio synthesis, algorithmic composition, audio plugins, and more.


Our SIG provides inclusive environment for students to discover and disrupt the Quantum Computing community.


The place to learn about math and algorithms in CS. Open to all regardless of mathematical background.


Natural language processing theory: projects, workshops, and learning techniques at this SIG.


Learn about the intersection of economics and computation. Open to all regardless of background.


Learn about the theory behind programming languages and type systems, and then make projects!


ACM is thankful to these generous companies who support our organization. Sponsor companies get access to our resume book and some other cool things. If you're interested in sponsoring ACM, contact the Corporate chair at yipengy2@illinois.edu.

Connect with ACM @ UIUC